Sunday, March 21, 2010

==14==touch footie a.k.a rugbi sentuh

its has been 4 years involved in this game..
and now its d end..

memang sukan baru untuk perempuan..
bukan la sukan y ganas...
tp sukn y memrlukan stamina y sgt2 kuat...
n phsyco yg sgt tggi...

hope leps nie leh join lgik...=)

*warming up*

*sgt penat walaupun blom start game...wahahahaha..*

*shoot tyme*wink*wink*

*final year y masih b'smgt nak men*

notakaki:sy dh nk hbs study rupanya...*wink2x*

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


weekend ini

ader hot ballon kt putrajaya
ader pesta buku antarabangsa pwtc



cmne nie

so duduk dlm bilik
setelkan keje

pk 1 jek

"aq nak grad ngan kengkawan y len!!!!"

Monday, March 15, 2010

`==12==mom is always rite

cik kk wif my syg mami

==cerita 1==

mak selalu betul

dr dulu smpai skrg
ape y mak ckp tue sumer akan jdk

memg betul kan
stp kata2 mak tue 1 doa

berita y mak bwk td
betul2 bg cik kk terkezut
wpun cik kk tau polan ini macam mana orang nya

tp x sangka dia akan bt perkara mcm tue
naseb bek cik kk ikut ckp mak cik kk dulu

kalau x mybe cik kk mgsa sterusnya agaknya


semoga "ALLAH" menjauhkan cik kk family kwn2 saudara mara dr bala sebegini

==cerita 2==

anak buah cik kk masuk menari sempena hari PIBG sek
bangga mak su kakak


sebb ape eh
sebb anak buah cik kk nie
memg sgt2 la pemalu org nye

tp 1 jek cik kk pasan kakak nie
dr kecik
dia sgt suka iklan digi
lagi2 part menari
senang sgt dia igt step2 tue
n 1 lg
fav cartoon dia high 5 tue
starting dia kan ader menari2

mybe sebb tue kot kakak nie masuk menari

xpe esok mak su tepon kakak ok

kakak : the girls wif pink in color

ok la

cik kk nk smbung study

sok cik kk ader test sbnr nyer

mcm xder pape jek sok


Sunday, March 14, 2010

==11==angin ahmar

bukan cik kk y kena angin ahmar
tp laptop cik kk nie ha
punca sebenar x dapat cik kk nk pastikan
sebb tiba2 jek resolusi skrin jdk besar pastu kecik (berulang-ulang)
terkejut gak virus ape y telah myerang nieh..
biler scan guna avira xder detect pape pun

so cik kk biarkn laptop nie honeymoon 3 ari 3 malam
n pg td br la cik kk bukak
buang antivirus avira
cik kk ganti kan dgn avg free
terus full scan
ha tue dia 6 ekoq cik kk jumpa
sumer hentam system cik kk
patut la skrin laptop cik kk jdk lagu gitu

alhmdlh skrg dh ok
dh bulih tulis blog cm bese dh
resolusi skrin pun dh balik pd asal
xla kembang mcm kena strecth....

smpai skrg nie cik kk masih crk ape antivirus terbaik sbnr nyer tuk laptop eh?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

==10==sekatan again==

kalo la polis malaysia guna gajah untuk wat sekatan..
msti sush sesape nk escape..
"ihsan en yahoo"

lepas tgk teater vakum mlm td
gie mapley jap
yana x makan lg
aq pun mkn la skali

tp leh plak ade sekatan polis
betul2 kt selekoh sblom petronas beryl's
yana x bwk roadtax motor
memg gelabah tahap gaban dh nie
rs nk u-turn pun ader
si pijot n nik anis kt depan ktrg pun dh cuak
pijot xder lesen kot(dia bwk moto)
tq pkck ketua operasi
dia bg motor kami berdua jalan
kalo x
xtau la bpe kene

tp nie dh masuk 3 kali (yana ckp)
asal bwk aq jek msti ader sekatan
aq pun cm realise
aq memg akan kena tahan dalam sekatan
jarang la kalo diorg x mtk lesen aq
even kalo bwk area johor
msti kena punya la
pkck polis
adakah muka sy muka x suci

Saturday, March 6, 2010

==9==wedding at kuantan==

its not my wedding
peg atasan pej kakak kahwin
since husband dia x dpt pegi
so aq jdk mangsa utk teman dia g sne
xkesah pun
sebb i like jalan-jalan
gerak pagi kol 730
n sampai lebih kurang pukul 730 mlm
x singgah mane2 pun
juz beli keropok utk all my buddies
xtau nak belikan ape..xkn nk belikan ikan bilis kot

to puan juliana (aq ikut ape y aqi tulis kt fb dia)
congratulation n live happily ever after =)
dapat baby y tomey2..aminnnn

"selamat pengantin baru"
"theme:the garden"
"one of the hantaran from her to him"

pic len leh klik kt bwh nie

==> facebook aqi

Thursday, March 4, 2010

==8==masa sudah suntuk

bila bc entri pian pasal masa..
br aq sedar..
masa dh suntuk...
wpun lmbt...
aq tetap nk cuba jugak...
lets fighting...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

==7==mood swing

balik cuti lepas tahun baru cina hari tue...
terus xder mood nak tulis...
jalan2 tgk blog kwn2 jek...
kenape eh...
sumer orang slalu jek come out dgn entri2 baru..
cik kk langsung xder idea nak tulis ape...
help me!!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

=happy chinese new year=

to those who celebrate this festival

"happy chinese new year"

and to those who not

"happy holiday"

drive carefully

take care of urself

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

=trip to BERNAS at tg karang=

a visit to rice processing plant under BERNAS company situated at tg karang selangor...
its a semester visit act under rice processing subject..
take 2 hours to reach there from upm...
taking d federal highway till met the duta tol..
then exit at sg buloh tol....
cont to the kuala selangor till me wet the tg karang...

so what we have learn for this trip..
so may things act..
especially how the rice is processing from the beginning till the end product..
from the paddy till the rice pack...
and almost the theory in the class we learn is the same as the reality...
100 % same as what dr hussin had told us during the class...

tq to the BERNAS staff for giving us a lot of info n ans all the question we have asked for...
tq to adi for his willing to arrange this visit..

so let c all the pic taken there=)

===> facebook mami
===> facebook sam
===> facebook bibik
===> facebook caah

then before going back to upm..having pizza celebration pay by master student of dr husin...
tq very much...

sori cannot upload all d pic into diz blog..tenet so lambat..hehehehe=)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

==4==demam exam=

mggu nie cik kk ader 4 paper..
warghh..sgt2 tertekan...

1/2/2010 = rice processing
3/2/2010 = plant design
4/2/2010 = bio-material
6/2/2010 = food quality management

tp i will do d best...
aminnn...may god bless me..

pd sesape y tgh ader exam skrg gudluck la yek..=)

Friday, January 29, 2010

==3==its 23==

kek idaman cik kk...agak2 bile leh dpt..hehehehe=)

happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy birthday to cik kk
happy birthday to me

its 23 then...
may god bless me always and all the people i luv...
may all the wish come true...

tq for those wishes me...
and to the 3 couple that give me the wonderful present..
tq so much...
really2 indeed...
hope this relation will forever remain...amin...
not forget to my bff tq by sticking up with me...
luv u...mmmuaaahhh...

tq to my sis..
she cooked me a special spaghetti bolognaise...(tp lupa nak mek gmbr)...hehehehe
tq so much...

Thursday, January 28, 2010


hari rabu semalam ader kenalan cik KK belanja cik KK makan..kak elin namanya...
orang baru dpt gaji la katakan...
semoga bertambah murah rezeki kak elin...=)
kami makan di restoran rasamas cawangan serdang..
cik KK x pernah pun masuk mane2 cwgn rasamas sblom nie...
fez tyme nie..rupanya kak elin pun same...

inilah menu yang kami order:-
=>> set nasi ayam dengan 1/4 ayam panggang golden
=>> set nasi ayam dgn ayam bolognaise (y ni x pasti nama betul ke x)
=>> sup cendawan
=>> kepak ayam salai

urm bole tahan rasa dia..
tp di sebabkan cik KK nie kuat makan..
cik KK rasa nisbah ayam panggang dia ngan nasik adalah x seimbang...
nasi dia amatlah ciput dibandingkan dengan 1/4 ayam panggang...
tp ayam dia x hbs pun cik KK makan..hehehehe...
ayam dia memg sedap..
cuma sambal dia agak kureng sedikit..
mungkin lidah jawa cik KK nie memg cerewet agak nya..hehehehe

tetapi sup cendawan dia sgtla sedap...
5 stars out of 5 stars la cik KK bg...

act ader bebrapa gambar yg cik kk dh snap...
tp keadaan tenet y x mengizinkan...
xdpt cik kk nak upload gmbr2 tue..
mybe next tyme...hehehehe=)

akhirnya dapat jugak cik kk upload gmbr...

inilah kak elin..tq kak..len kali belanja lg yek...hehehehe=)

nie mushroom soup rasamas

nie nasi ayam rasamas

nie chicken wing rasamas

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

==1==tukar angin==

hai kawan2...urm....entri pertama untuk blog baru...ikuti cerita dr kk seterusnya...